The Conference of European University Chaplains (CEUC) is a community of European university chaplains who meet annually to explore continuous professional development, best practice and mutual enrichment and encouragement. Scroll down to find out more about who we are and what we do.
CEUC is associated with the Conference of European Churches (CEC-KEK) and co-founder of the International Association of Chaplains in Higher Education (IACHE).
2025 Conference: Flourishing Together
Holistic Approaches to Wellbeing in Higher Education
2025 Conference: Flourishing Together
Holistic Approaches to Wellbeing in Higher Education
16-20 June 2025 • Drongen, Belgium
Click here to visit the Conference Website
Conference of European University Chaplains — General Assembly 2024
Tuesday, June 11 2024, 16.15 – 17.45 Skærbæk, Denmark
The Agenda of the General Assembly will be as follows, allowing for small changes:
1. Opening, welcome Constitution
2. Approvals:
2.1. Approval of the Agenda
2.2. Approval of the Minutes of the previous General Assembly Minutes GA 2023
2.3. Approval of the Report by the Chair of the Board Report Chair
3. Elections:
3.1. Election of Minute-Secretary
3.2. Election of Ballot-Counters
3.3. Election of Chair of the General Assembly
4. Proposals received:
4.1. Amendment to the Constitution: Business Year (second reading) Amendment
4.2. Transitional Regulation: Extended Business Year May 1 2024 – Dec 31 2025 Transitional Regulation
5. Finances:
5.1. Approval of the financial report by the treasurer of the board Financial Statement 2023/24
5.2. Budget and membership fees for the next financial year Budget 2024/25
6. Board:
6.1. Election of new board members Regulations
6.2. Election by the General Assembly of the Chair of the Board from among the Members of the Board
6.3. Election by the General Assembly of the Vice-Chair of the Board from among the members of the Board
7. Election of auditors
8. Formal decision on and invitation to next conference
9. Miscellaneous
10. Closing
Call for Candidates
Candidates for the CEUC Board
At our CEUC conference in Skaerbaek 2024 we need candidates for the Board.
Janning Hoenen will leave the Board and Christine Schardt´s first term at the Board comes to an end. Christine will run for a second term, so we need at least one new candidate.
Anyone who is willing to stand for election for the Board should tell the Secretary or any member of the Board as soon as possible. Please hand in a short text (not more than 1.500 characters) introducing yourself, stating your name and nationality, your motivation for candidacy and – if you want – your religious affiliation and gender. It is also possible to announce your candidacy during the General Assembly and introduce yourself verbally.
The Board conducts the organization´s daily business in accordance with the Constitution and the decisions made by the General Assembly. The Board holds meetings once a month via Zoom and one preparatory meeting in the fall at the site of the next conference.
For any question, please contact any member of the Board or the Secretary.
Further Candidates for running the General Assembly
We also need candidates for the following tasks at the General Assembly:
· Chair of the General Assembly
· Minute secretary of the GA
· Two Ballot Counters at the GA
· Two Auditors
If you are willing to serve in one of these positions, please contact the Secretary or any member of the Board as soon as possible, but no later than June 10.
Welcome to the 2024 Conference of European University Chaplains!
Explore the intersections of nature, theology, creation, and community within the university chaplaincy context. Denmark, our host country, welcomes you to engage in enriching discussions and create lasting connections with chaplains from across Europe.
10–14 June 2024
Skærbækcenteret, Storegade 46, 6780 Skærbæk, Denmark.
The conference is inspired by the beautiful nature on the west coast of Denmark, and we will focus on nature, theology, creation, community, and a lot more.
Find more information and register here.
On the Boundary – Mind, Nature, Fragility
CEUC 2023
Järvenpää, Finland - June 12-16th, 2023
We extend a warm welcome to the summer green Finland to celebrate The Conference of European University Chaplains (CEUC) on June 12th-16th, 2023! We will be staying in the city of Järvenpää, that is located by Lake Tuusula. The beautiful landscape was appreciated by the Finnish cultural personalities already in the beginning of the 20th century. We will pay a visit to the cultural sites of the capital, Helsinki, as well as its University campuses. We will also take a stroll in the Finnish nature.
After the years of the pandemic, it will be a great pleasure to meet with fellow colleagues and friends from all over Europe and other parts of the world, and enjoy each other’s company while enjoying the servings of the Church Educational Centre in Järvenpää.
For more information and registration see https://evl.fi/ceuc-2023-finland
Liberty, Legacy, Leadership
IACHE 2022
Sheffield, England • June 13-17th, 2022
The theme Liberty, Legacy, Leadership frames our exploration of how vibrant chaplaincies may contribute to university communities, asking:
- how academic freedom and religion and belief equalities intersect;
- what lessons must be learned from our learning and belief histories;
- what leadership styles—secular and religious—best suit our sector?
Check out the conference website here.